Attention: Christian Women Who Want to Connect with Your “Intimacy Energy” and Your Spouse! Get ready to Relax, Rejuvenate, and Re-ignite your Love Life!

When it comes to your intimate relationship with your spouse, is there room for improvement? Do you long to have a more sensual, comforting, loving and extremely fulfilling relationship in your bedroom encounters?

If you are newly married…Rock his World with Deep Connection!

Let go of fear or insecurities and learn how to fully connect to your husband and enjoy this critical part of your marriage.

If you have been married awhile…Be that “Couple who Falls in Love” all over again!

Maybe intimacy used to be pleasurable and exciting but has turned dull and boring. Or maybe this vital part of your relationship occurs very rarely. Sometimes couples will work on other aspects of a marriage such as finances, careers and rearing children but may neglect this absolute essential bonding part of marriage.

Heal and improve this part of your relationship in a safe, fun and relaxing environment…

If you desire to enhance your intimate relationship, a simple shift in your energy and learning amazing tools can be the

Spark that Lights a Fire in Your Bedroom…

figuratively speaking, of course. Whatever the cause of your frustration, this women’s intimacy retreat will shift your being to a higher, more positive vibration that will attract the satisfying, intense physical connection and emotional closeness that you are yearning for!

Announcing the “Bed of Roses” Intimacy

“At Home” Healing Program for Christian Women!

You are cordially invited to participate in this 4-week emotional intimacy program to support and strengthen your marriage relationship by enhancing the sacred sexual relationship with your husband. Through 4 recorded support calls, which include energy healing affirmations, stories, principles and fun yet powerful homework assignments, you will REKINDLE THE FIRE or bring it to a BLAZING HOT level in your intimate relationship.

In the privacy of your home, you will have a SAFE PLACE to explore many issues from class recordings and a workbook in a CLASSY, TASTEFUL, and NON-EMBARRASSING manner! Note: This is NOT a sex education class. The emotions, power, negative beliefs and energy around this topic of intimacy with your husband are addressed as the foundation of the program.


Becoming One Through God

Avoiding Sexual Pitfalls

Love Yourself to Love Intimacy

Speak Your Truth

Let it Go

The Good Girl Syndrome

Variety is the Spice of Life


The “Bed of Roses” Intimacy Program Includes All of the Following:

*4 Conference Call CDs on Intimacy Topics to Enhance and Deepen Your Love Life

*Energy Affirmations on each CD to Raise Your Personal Vibration

*Powerful Mentor Tools to Create Permanent Change for Greater Connection in Your Love Life

*50-page Personal Journal Workbook

*Share Ideas with Like-minded Women in a Facebook Support Group

*13-minute Guided Meditation “Who You Are”

*BONUS: Guided Meditation “Utter Nakedness”

*All in a Beautiful Storage Case

Enhance Your Intimate Connection with Your Spouse!

This program is worth over $399 but you can get it here for ONLY $197 including shipping.

(Please note: This is a physical product that will be shipped to you so put your best MAILING ADDRESS in the notes at checkout.)

Intimacy is more than sex, and sex does not guarantee intimacy!


Here’s what some amazing women – and one husband! – said about the program:

“Jennifer led us through topics that were pertinent and well discussed. It put my thoughts into words, and then I was able to have open discussions with my husband. This group increased our communication and closeness. I got lots of great ideas for continuing that improvement. I loved the program!”

~K. Lewis

“I loved every conference call! Packed with great information, empowerment, and healing for myself and as a couple! I love that Jennifer covered topics that aren’t talked about often in a beautifully, tasteful manner. I never felt uncomfortable for a second, and left with so many tips, tools, and even a new excitement to grow closer to my spouse. I recommend this for EVERYONE! Felt I was in a great spot in my marriage, and now it’s even better. Understanding and healing myself, so I can love more deeply! Thank you!!”

~K. Plummer

“My wife has participated in the ‘Bed of Roses’ Intimacy Program and has shared with me the attitudes and concepts being taught there. I deeply appreciate all the work and effort that must have gone into this to bring this information into our lives. The healing, peace and closeness that has come into our relationship as a result of this program is worth much more than the small price we paid for it. Whether your relationship is struggling or thriving, there is something for everyone to gain. Thank you!”

~Anonymous Husband

“I just loved Jennifer Jones Smith’s Bed of Roses Intimacy Program!  She has such great insight and tools to create greater intimacy in your relationship, with the perfect balance of practical suggestions and energy healing work to support it.  She does a great job of respectfully and tactfully dealing with a potentially touchy subject.  I know I will be going back and revisiting the class recordings and exercises more than once.  I highly recommend this program!” 

~M. Gillming

“I’ve been through only half of the Bed of Roses recordings over the last three weeks and “Holy Hannah!” I’ve noticed a huge shift for good this week! Seriously! After all the trials we’ve survived together this year, I’ve thought it was like we’re fireproof. But last night we were just lying in bed talking, and I was like “Wow! This connection between us is so much stronger and intense now.” I love it! It’s amazing how things can always be made better, even though it’s not something I felt like we were struggling with. I love tender mercies!”

~R. Rock

Along with the intimacy home program you may choose to purchase an OPTIONAL private healing session. This 50-minute session will be a thorough energy clearing to remove any emotional baggage surrounding your love life facilitated by a certified energy healing practitioner. You may share your concerns (without explicit details) regarding this part of your relationship at the beginning of your session. At the beginning of your session, simply state things such as:

*I feel uncomfortable with this part of my marriage

*I have past fear and trauma that keeps me from enjoying intimacy

*I feel rejected when my spouse doesn’t want intimacy

*I wish my spouse would initiate intimacy more often

*Intimacy is not as enjoyable to me as it has been in the past

*My spouse doesn’t seem interested in intimacy

*OR whatever you feel is frustrating about your sexual relationship




Don't miss out on Deep Connection! Upgrade with Emotional Energy Healing Session!

This program and energy healing session are worth over $499 but you can get it here for ONLY $297 including shipping.

(Please note: This is a physical product that will be shipped to you so put your best MAILING ADDRESS in the notes at checkout. Energy healing session is 50-minutes done via phone.)

“After my energy healing session where we focused on the energy around my emotional intimacy, I’ve had some big shifts over the past month or so, lifelong blocks on expressing myself and wisdom, feeling more comfortable with myself and ability to accept and see myself more as God does.
I feel like the session you did for me helped facilitate that! Thank you thank you!!!!!!!!”

~E. Powell

Not sure if this program is right for you? Listen to this preview call. 

“3 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Fully Connected to Your Husband in Intimacy.”

Click here to listen: PREVIEW CALL

We all have busy lives, so this call  is only 20 minutes long and gives a brief preview of the Christian Women’s Bed of Roses Intimacy and Healing Program. Learn what my first conversation with my birth mother, yes I was adopted, taught me about intimacy and what the program will do for you! (Please note:The price on the preview call is not correct for the Home Healing Program. Your “at home” Bed of Roses Program is offered at a significant discount and does not include the energy healing session unless you choose the second option on this page.)

JENNIFER JONES SMITH will be your hostess for this intimacy support program. Jennifer is a best-selling author, speaker, certified energy healing practitioner, and certified Eternal Warrior trainer (emotional and biochemical self-mastery). Her clients are from the continental US as well as Alaska and Europe. She has been trained in the SimplyHealed® Method and Neuromodulation Technique (NMT), and is one of the few certified practitioners. Along with her husband, Andy Smith, they are co-owners of “Be the True You,” an empowerment company which helps married couples and families heal relationships and gain emotional mastery.

If you are wondering if this program or energy healing work is right for your situation, send an email to