Would you like to FORTIFY and STRENGTHEN your marriage and live in INTEGRITY with your True Divine Self?
If yes, don’t miss “The True Divine You” Great Little Course SALE!
This 4-week online mini-course will help you:
Learn what the TRUE DIVINE YOU means and why it’s critical to a healthy relationship
Remember or find who you TRULY ARE
Live up to your full POTENTIAL
Get unstuck from the muck to PROGRESS faster in your goals
Find PURPOSE and VISION to move forward with enthusiasm
Let go of discouragement and create greater EXCITEMENT for life
CONNECT more deeply with spouse, God, and even yourself
Live in integrity with THE TRUE DIVINE YOU
Over 75% off for the next 72 Hours only!
$199 Value
To enroll in “The True Divine You” 4-week course, click the ENROLL NOW button!
Incredible Value for ONLY $49
This 75% off special offer will end in:
PRAISE and GRATITUDE for Courses and Coaching:
I just want to thank you so much for being my coaches. This has helped me in big ways! I am able to handle things that I would have flipped out about before! It’s a big thing to realize that my husband is on my team and not my enemy. 💕Thank you!!!
Although I have sought for several years to reconnect and identify myself again after raising my family, it wasn’t until I took The True Divine You four-week course that I was able to relearn and apply the concepts of “finding me” again. I chose to take more than 1 week on each segment so I could really dive into the lessons and activities. I have already relistened to the course and learned some more great insights.
After having been married nearly 28 years, sometimes the marriage waxes and sometimes wanes. We’ve been in a season of waning and needed a project together to help us grow. I’m personally grateful to have a project to work on together. My internal growth has been a boost to our marriage, and you need that from time to time. Thank you, Andy and Jennifer!
If we weren’t in marriage coaching we’d probably be divorced or my husband would be paying for our house and living in his grandmother’s basement. He’d be asking me to meet with a professional psychiatrist or a marriage counselor. Ha ha! – NOT funny! Andy and Jennifer have strengthened our marriage in only 6 weeks. It’s scary to think where we would be without their coaching!
Goals and Direction
Do you want to have direction and feel grateful for the progress you make each day? This 4-week course will help you gain greater confidence in yourself and success in your goals.
Discover The True Divine You
Gain a deeper understanding of your mission and purpose in life. Make choices based on your Authentic Divine Self.
Important Relationships
Would you love to have healthier relationships with yourself, God/Source, and others? This do-it-yourself course will help you create healthy relationships with yourself and others.
After 26 years of marriage, we had a Near Death Experience. The NDE was when the husband walked out of the door of our home, and we thought our marriage was over – perhaps due to the 2 “D” words. Divorce due to marriage challenges – OR Death due to acting on dangerous negative thoughts linked to depression.
There is always hope for healing and improvement even with the uncertainties that we face in the world today. And with over 35 years of marriage commitment, change and growth, we would say our marriage is better than ever! Even though The True Divine You Course is all about YOU, completing this course will make a HUGE difference in your marriage!
And by offering this valuable Great Little Course for over 75% off, this is our way of giving THANKS to our clients and followers!
But, you have 72 hours to get all this value for an incredible cost, so don’t delay! Enroll in this online course now, and we will see YOU in The True Divine You course.
~Andy & Jennifer Smith
Marriage Coaches, Bestselling Author
Check out these great features of this online course:
Your time is valuable, and this course can be done on your own schedule. As an online course, you can learn at your own pace.
Online Course
Enjoy learning in the convenience of your own home. Watch recorded video instruction from certified life/marriage coaches.
Report Progress
You are 85% more likely to succeed in your goals and personal growth when you can report in. Built in questions keep you accountable – “return and report” style.
Don't miss this HUGE value at an incredibly LOW price!
To enroll in “The True Divine You” 4-week course, click the ENROLL NOW button!
$199 Value
For 72 Hours ONLY $49
This 75% off special offer will end in:
We promise that our life’s training, research and experience has allowed us to create this life-changing course for you and/or your spouse! We have put our best efforts to not quit in making this course available to you.
Although no training or course can guarantee specific results because of so many variables, we guarantee that if you put 100% participation into this course – and don’t quit – for all 4 training modules, apply the principles and seek God’s guidance in the process that you will see amazing results, possibly even miracles, in your marriage relationship!
If you don’t feel the $49 value is there within the first 14 days of purchase, we will refund your investment – no questions asked. Send an email to the email address in the course to request a refund.
Endorsements from Professional Colleagues
“Anything Jennifer and Andy Smith teach, specifically on the subject of marriage, is spot-on, transformational, and incredibly important.”
“I am inspired by what Andy and Jennifer have created together. As a couple, they honor each other and deliver well-balanced material. They are true eagles who humbly rise with the devoted intention to see other couples rise with them.”