Welcome to our marriage coaching website!

Whatever brought you to our site, we hope you will find the answers and support you are looking for.

We are Andy and Jennifer Smith, team marriage coaches. We have been married over 35 years and are madly in love – sometimes mad but always in love! We are the parents to 6 children, 3 girls and 3 boys, and at last count, 10 grandchildren.

We understand the challenge of raising children and building a strong marriage.

We have had our fair share of joyous family moments and not-so-joyous family moments. Depression, anger issues, addictions, financial struggles, sibling rivalry, and disobedient children have been a few of the challenges our family has faced.

About 25 years into our marriage, we sensed some disconnect but couldn’t quite put our finger(s) on the core problem. A small argument turned into a huge crash and breakdown in our marriage, and we wondered if this was the end of our relationship. We knew it was time to get some help.

Fortunately, we met some amazing mentors and teachers and found tools and techniques that brought greater joy, balance, and hope into our lives. Through various modalities of energy healing and mentoring, we have received intense training and learned the techniques to help ourselves and even heal our family.

We have felt the healing gift of truth, power, peace, and light that comes from knowing who you are at the core. As certified mentors, we teach effective principles and tools to support our awesome clients in creating the incredible relationships and success they desire in their lives!

“Meet” us by listening to our “Like Dragons Did They Fight” interview with Karen Broadhead from Life Changing Services, a therapy office that supports families and recovery from pornography addiction. We have both workeds as addiction recovery and emotional self-mastery mentors with their therapy services.

We share our story of healing from a broken marriage relationship when we thought all was lost. Our marriage not only survived but is thriving from the many mentoring tools, stories, and principles we now teach as certifed coaches in our company, “Be the True You!”

Click the arrow on the left to hear Andy and Jennifer’s personal story and tips to help you and your relationships in their “Like Dragons Did They Fight” interview!




A little more about us…

Andy Smith is an inspiring speaker, certified life/marriage coach, and master gardener. He and Jennifer have worked as “Personal Warrior Trainers” with Life Changing Services, a therapeutic office that specializes in addiction recovery and prevention. Andy and Jennifer have been best friends since junior high school.

They have been doing business as a team since 1993 as co-owners of “Be the True You” an empowerment company that helps married couples and families heal relationships and gain emotional mastery.

Andy is currently living his two passions of “gardening” and “gardening.” If you ask him what he does for a living he will say, “I nurture and grow plants, and I nurture and grow people.” His motto is “My greatest joy is helping you find yours.”

Jennifer Jones Smith is an empowering speaker, certified life/marriage coach, and energy healing practitioner. She is certified in SimplyHealed, Neuromodulation Technique, and The Complete EFT Method – all quantum-based emotional healing.

She is also the best-selling author of “12 Weeks to Greater Peace, Joy and Love in Your Family” an inspired family relationship self-help book that can be found on Amazon.  She loves family parties with her 3 daughters and their husbands, 3 sons, on daughter-in-law, and 10 grandchildren whom she all adores. In her rare spare time she loves gourmet cooking and connecting with nature.