Helping your family experience more JOY, FREEDOM and PEACE through the power of SELF MASTERY.

Empowering Couples with Self Mastery

Deepen connection, understanding and love in your relationship.

Achieve the JOY and PEACE that comes from SELF-MASTERY

How can Eternal Warriors training help me and my family?

Addiction Prevention




Low Self Esteem


Anger & Fear


Body Image


Challenging Relationships


Lack of Focus & Vision


Loneliness & Disconnection


“After having been married nearly 28 years, sometimes the marriage waxes and sometimes wanes. We’ve been in a season of waning and needed a project together to help us grow. I’m personally grateful to have a project to work on together. My internal growth has been a boost to our marriage, and you need that from time to time. Thank you, Andy and Jennifer!”

Steve M.

“My kiddos and I are taking this class and it is AMAZING! Truly inspirational and LIFE CHANGING! Seriously worth the time commitment!”

Jennifer H.

“The information contained in this class…combines brain chemistry and scripture to help us understand addictive behaviors and the battle to free ourselves of them – and let’s face it, we all have some form of addiction. I personally needed this class, but I was also looking for information to help me as a mom. Now that I’m in the class I can tell you that it’s more than just these things. Personally, I’m finding renewed energy to face the battle against the adversary, and I’m being given both better understanding of the battle with Satan and tools to be a more powerful warrior in the battle. We are more focused on our strengths as a family and as individuals. Whether you feel weak or strong, there is something in this class that is valuable for our ability to defend and strengthen individuals and families!”

Amy H.

“I have really enjoyed taking the Eternal Warriors class. I have learned so much. I am working on overcoming some addictions and this class has made me so aware of Satan and how he works on us. Doing my goals every day is keeping me on track. Even though the class is over, I still am working on my goals. Thank you, Jennifer and Andy! I would recommend this class to anyone. It will make a difference in your life!”

Bernie E.

Here’s what you’ll receive when you sign up for the



12 Weekly One-on-One Coaching with Your Mentor

Each week you will connect on a Private Coaching Call with your certified Eternal Warriors Mentor.

Program Materials

You’ll receive the insightful book Like Dragons Did They Fight by Maurice Harker and the companion MAN or GIRL Power Journal .

Online Resource Portal

Access videos and other helpful resources to get you started and to keep you supported throughout your program.

Continual Email Support from Your Mentor

If you have questions or need additional support between coaching calls, simply reach out to your mentor by email and they will respond.

BONUS: One 60-minute Quantum-based Emotional Healing Session 

These gentle yet powerful methods will relieve stress, anxiety, trauma, limiting and false beliefs, and negative generational patterns. People have experienced feeling lighter, more confident and less burdened by challenges they have dealt with or are currently facing.


Your Investment for the Training:

Get started by choosing one of our featured certified mentors, Andy or Jennifer Smith. If you would like to take the class as a married couple, email for instructions on how to receive private couples training. Click a mentor’s picture for information, bio and class times.

Certified Mentor - Andy Smith

Certified Mentor - Jennifer Smith


“Emotional self-mastery is one of the most powerful things you can do to be successful in all areas of your life! It’s made all the difference in mine!”

~Jennifer J. Smith



Young couple has some dangerous hobby